Greeting from Edye

Warmest Winter Greetings,

On my home desk (aka: kitchen table), I keep a small cross that our Hospital Chaplain, Rev. Ed Larson, gifts to interested patients. The cross, which feels just right to hold, is handmade of olive wood that comes from Bethlehem, in Palestine. I regularly wonder at how this small object represents shared geography and shared faithful work of Jews, Muslims and Christians.

Beside the cross, I keep a handwritten note: “Behold, I am making all things new.” (Rev. 21:5)

These symbols of faith hold special meaning as the Council of Churches prepares to move our offices and our A Baby Center to a new location at 232 Main Street in Hyannis. The move will take place the final week of January and we are thrilled! Already, the space is taking shape in order for us to best meet our client needs. New areas for greeting, intakes, volunteers, offices and the baby boutique are taking shape. Hammers are flying. Floors are placed. Paint is gleaming. Sun is shining through huge windows.

My colleagues and I can’t wait to share this with you all! We will welcome our community to an Open House later in the spring (for now, please mark May Day on your calendar for a gathering from 4:30-7:00 pm-more info to come!). But for now, we thank so many who are sharing their diverse expertise, time, skills, talents, dollars, good humor, good will and good backs to make this possible.

Lots of folks from lots of places along with lots of grace are coming together to make 232 Main Street “all things new.” Join us.


Edye Nesmith 
Executive Director


MVY Radio’s Person of the Week


Our Big Move to 232 Main Street