
How You Can Help

Your donation will help the Council of Churches’ vocation of “Serving God by Serving Others.” All year long, the Council focuses on serving local families and individuals whose needs exceed their resources:

  • Moms, grandparents and foster parents needing diapers, wipes and formula, helped by A Baby Center.

  • Households low on food, served by Hands of Hope Food Pantry, Faith Family Kitchen and Homeless Ministries.

  • Foster children wanting what most kids have - summer camp, music lessons, equipment to join a sports team - provided by our Covenant to Care ministry.

  • Hospital patients in need of care and comfort, supported by our hospital chaplain.

Your help changes lives as we build strength and alleviate suffering. Regardless of the amount, we thank you for your support.

Cape Cod Council of Churches Inc. is a charitable 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.

Donate by Mail 

Please make checks payable to: Cape Cod Council of Churches
Mail to: Cape Cod Council of Churches, 320 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601

Donate When Shopping on Amazon

When shopping on Amazon, please remember to start here so that we can benefit from the donation. Amazon makes a donation to the Council for each purchase. Thank you for supporting us this way.


Perhaps you can donate some of your time to volunteer for the Council. Or maybe you have items to donate, such as diapers or groceries. If so, please call the office at 508-775-5073. Feel free to leave a message and we will happily be back in touch with you.

Leave Your Legacy on the Cape!

Did you know that you can support the Cape Cod Council of Churches through a gift bequest in your will or living trust? A simple charitable bequest can provide very meaningful support to our mission as well as reduce the amount of estate and inheritance taxes paid. Bequests may be specific dollar amounts or a percentage. It’s an easy and wonderful way to support the work of the Council.

You can also designate a portion or your entire required minimum distribution from your IRA to a charity and avoid paying taxes. Donors over age 72 are permitted to transfer to charity up to $100,000 per year directly from an IRA without counting it as income on their Federal Income Tax. If you would like bequest language or more information on making a gift from your IRA, please contact Laurie Goddard at: Laurie is a professional financial advisor and serves on the Council’s Development and Finance Committee.

Thank you for your prayers, your donated goods, your time and your treasure.