Faith Family Kitchen

Regularly serving free nutritious meals to our neighbors in Hyannis who are coping with food-security issues.

Providing dinners three evenings a week enables families and individuals to come together in a safe, caring, and respectful environment to enjoy free, nutritious meals. 

Thanks to our volunteer congregations, our guests are nourished year-round with both seated and “to go” dinners.

Body & Soul

Faith Family Kitchen, located at Faith Assembly of God Church, Hyannis, is the only place offering regular dinners year round to the mid-Cape community. This neighborhood is home to one of the area’s lowest levels of household income, caused largely by the seasonal nature of the Cape’s economy. 85% of the elementary school students who live in the surrounding area of Faith Family Kitchen qualify for free/reduced fee lunches. Roughly 15% of our guests report that they are working, 40% are unemployed and 35% have disabilities.

Meals are served for free all year, and without regard for religious affiliation.

In addition to providing our guests with nutritious dinners, Faith Family Kitchen creates a caring community by treating men, women and children who are facing food-security issues with respect. The Kitchen’s services assist our local public schools and their personnel, who express such gratitude that their students and families have this safe feeding time.

Thank you to the Faith Family Kitchen for all that you do and will continue to do. Chef Dan makes the best soups, and they are fresh – not from a can. He really cares about what he does and making good quality meals.
— From Our Guests


154 Bearses Way
Hyannis MA 02601
(508) 775-5073
Dan Miville
Chef/Program Director

Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
serving meals from 5:30-6:30pm

Contact Faith Family Kitchen

Last year, Faith Family Kitchen served more than 21,000 hot meals. Thanks to the Greater Boston Food Bank and donations from area churches and the broader community that made this possible!

Donate Food

The Kitchen benefits from fresh food donations offered by area food suppliers, such as grocery stores and restaurants, farms and fishing vessels. We are grateful for such generosity.

ALL donations must be approved ahead of time by our Chef/Program Director, Dan Miville. Call or Text Dan at (508) 250-3457 to secure approval and a time for drop off.

Unfortunately, any foods left at the Kitchen without prior approval must be thrown out.

Are there any qualifications for being served?

No – anyone is welcome.

Do guests need to show any kind of documentation?

No. Guests sign in upon arrival to self-report some demographic information that helps us to understand need for this service. No documentation is required.